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We have a commitment to excellence when it comes to all our bed bug removal services. Our experienced team of exterminators is available 24/7 to provide you with the highest quality service possible. No matter the severity of the infestation, we will work hard to make sure you have a safe and comfortable home again. Contact us today to learn more about our bed bug extermination services and the different treatment options taylored for your situation.


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Spectrum Environmental Pest Control

Rat & Mice Removal

Spectrum includes general rodent control services as an important component of its overall residential pest program. And there is no additional cost to maintain effective mice or rat control at your property. Mice and rats gnaw their way into crawl space areas, wall voids, garages, and behind counters. They are in constant search of moisture, food, and shelter. Other rodent problems can fester in outdoor locations under thick bushes or in patches of ground ivy. Once detected by a thorough pest inspection, mice and rats need to be sealed off from the shelter indoors and controlled outdoors. Spectrum Environmental customers and clients appreciate the peace of mind of knowing that rodent control ( rat and mice removal) is included in each general bi-monthly or quarterly pest control service.